Police Chief: Zach Phelps


South end of building at 302 South 5th Street

Applying for a Job:

Please visit Cache City Hall for applications and more information.


The City of Cache has two full-time animal control officers. The officers are responsible for the welfare of animals in our community, from picking up stray animals and reuniting lost pets with owners, to finding new homes for unwanted pets. We are dedicated to the health and wellbeing of our animals. The Animal Control Division can be reached at (580) 429-3354 Option #1.

Cats and dogs not reclaimed by their owners become available for adoption 72 hours. If you are looking for a missing pet, or want to adopt a pet, please contact the Cache Animal Control Shelter at (580) 695-6362. The animals can be viewed at the shelter located at 14857 State Highway 115 by the city lagoons.


View animal control ordinances


The 911 Command Center provides professional public safety service for our community. We are the public safety answering point for the City of Cache and Comanche County. We utilize state of the art communications technology to provide access to emergency services for the residents of our city and county. Remember to only use 9-1-1 when you have an emergency to life and/or property.  All non-emergency calls for outside Cache city limits should be made to Comanche County Sheriff Department 580-353-4280.


The Criminal Investigation Division is responsible for the further investigation and prosecution of all felonies, thefts, frauds, burglaries, check cases, aggravated assaults, and other such misdemeanors that require further investigation by a patrol officer.

If you have questions concerning a case that is currently being investigated by the division, you can contact the Cache Police Department, Criminal Investigations Division at (580) 429-3381 or (580) 429-3354 ext 9 between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Please have your case number available. If you know the investigator assigned to your case, you can contact him or her directly at the same number or by email:


The Records Division is the official repository for all police and collision reports created by the Cache Police Department. The division completes data entry into the department’s records management system and handles both officer requests and public requests. Public hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday (closed on city holidays).

All police reports are filed in police records, which is the official custodian for the Cache Police Department. The Oklahoma Open Records Act (51 O.S 24A. 1) provides for public access to defined open records.

Copy Fees

Type of Report Fee
Calls for service, logs, incident reports, etc $0.25
Accident reports $1 per page
Certified copies $1
Search fees (beyond first hour) $25 per hour
CD copies (includes one-hour search fees) $25 per copy

Mailed Requests

All requests for information must be in writing with all possible details concerning the names of individuals involved, and the date, location, and nature of the incident for which the copy is being requested.

The copy fee is to be included along with the mailed requests. Call (580) 429-3381 for the record that is being requested. A self-addressed envelope needs to be mailed with the requests. Mail request to:

Cache Police Department
Attn: Records
P.O. Box 466
Cache, OK 73527


Sex Offenders

Convicted sex offenders are required to register with local law enforcement in the jurisdiction where they live. The Cache Police Department handles registration of these individuals for the City of Cache. The names and addresses of sex offenders who register with the Cache Police Department are provided to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, which maintains a public database of names, crimes, and addresses.

Registration involves the offender providing information that includes, but is not limited to, the offenders name and address, a photograph, and the offense the offender was convicted of or adjudicated for. All sex offenders must come to the Cache Police Department to register, between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Registered sex offenders are required to periodically report to the Cache Police Department to verify their address and to promptly report certain changes in the information as those changes occur. A sex offender who fails to comply with any registration requirement is subject to felony prosecution.

If you have any questions about sex offender registration in the City of Cache, please call (580) 429-3381.

Oklahoma Department of Corrections Registered Sex Offender site

Violent Offenders in Cache

Convicted Violent Offenders are required to register with the local law enforcement in the jurisdiction where they live. The Cache Police Department handles registration of these individuals for the City of Cache. The names and addresses of Violent Offenders who register with the Cache Police Department are provided to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, which maintain a public database of names, crimes, and addresses.

Registration involves the offender providing information that includes, but is not limited to, the offenders name and addresses, a photograph, and the offense the offender was convicted of or adjudicated for.

All violent offenders must come to the Cache Police Department to register, between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

If you have any questions about violent offender registration in the City of Cache, please call (580) 429-3381.


Oklahoma Department of Corrections Registered Violent Offenders


Community Services

The Cache Police Department offers several crime prevention and safety programs for citizens through its Community Services office. There are no costs for the programs.

Programs include the CPD Fraud & Scam Prevention Program; Cache Safe Neighborhoods Program (which includes Neighborhood Watch); Teaching, Educating And Mentoring (TEAM); and Crime-free Multi-unit Housing. Additionally, the Community Services office distributes Child Identification kits, participates in local fairs and community events, and offers free presentations about crime prevention and highway safety.

Child Identification Kits

Child Identification Kits are distributed by the CPD Community Services office with sponsorship from various sponsors to help parents and guardians record a child’s personal information, including fingerprints and dental records

Cops for Kids Program

The Cops for Kids Program is sponsored by the local Literacy Council to promote literacy and to help children involved in traumatic incidents. The Council collects and donates Teddy bears used by CPD officers to offer to children in distress. The program also offers information and education at community events.

Crime-free Multi-unit Housing Program

The Crime-free Multi-unit Housing Program is designed to reduce crime in apartment complexes and other densely populated housing. The program has been proven to reduce crime by 60 to 90 percent in areas where it has been implemented.

Fraud & Scam Prevention Program

The CPD Fraud & Scam Prevention Program offers materials and professional assistance to groups and individuals to help them avoid becoming targets and victims of fraud and scam schemes. The program covers areas such as counterfeit prescription drugs, identify theft and telemarketing scams, and is because financial scams targeting consumers have become so prevalent they are considered “the crime of the 21st century.”

Storm Shelter Registration is a voluntary service with the Comanche County Emergency Management’s Severe Weather Shelter Registration Program. Residents who own a personal severe weather shelter may register their information to help rescuers should the shelter become blocked during a storm by debris or structural damage.

Blackboard Connect is a mass notification system that allows the city to contact registered residents and businesses in the community within minutes in the event of an emergency. The system also allows the city to notify residents of important matters, such as outages and events.


Teaching, Educating and Mentoring (TEAM) is a school liaison program developed in Michigan by police and teachers to promote safety among students of all ages. In Oklahoma, certification and training for TEAM is offered through the Norman Police Department, and the program has been specialized for Cache students as identified by Cache teachers and principals, and by CPD. The program is also available for non-Cache Public School students.

Under TEAM, students in grades K-12 learn about everything from the reasons for laws, to gun safety, dating violence and computer safety. Social media safety is also covered.

The curriculum is offered in sessions of 30-45 minutes each for 7-11 weeks, depending on the age group.

The TEAM philosophy is that while working together as a team, educators, students and law enforcement create relationships and become united in protecting children from becoming victims of crime.