Public Notice
Out of City Limits Fire Department Fee
In accordance with City of Cache Ordinance Code #07-21, individuals requiring fire department services will be charged $125.99 per hour or any fraction thereof per vehicle taken to the dispatched location and $5.00 per mile per vehicle for each mile to and from dispatched location.
To eliminate getting billed for fire department services, individuals can contract with the City of Cache for fire department services, individuals can contract with the City of Cache for fire department service at a flat rate of $100.00 per year from January-December. This is a flat rate of $100.00 per year and is not prorated per month. This simply means that if you pay $100.00, you will not be billed no matter how many fire department services you may require during the year ( with exceptions of unreported “controlled burns” and/or unattended “controlled Burns” which will still be billed).
This money is is used to support our fire department with equipment and proper clothing for our firefighter.
To help improve our fire department and possibly lower your insurance rate, please pay at the Cache City Hall and help eliminate us having to bill for department services.