See information on the Community & Economic Development page
Business License Fee Schedule
The City of Cache offers many types of Business License for business within the city. Licenses not listed below contact Code Enforcement Officers at (580) 429-3354 option 3.
All new businesses must fill out the Business Application. Come by the City Hall to get an application. Applications can be turned in at the City Hall.
Beer Licenses
Beer Consumed on/off Premises $20/year
Beer Consumed off Premises $10/year
Alcoholic Licenses
Mixed Beverages $1005 first year, renewal $905
Package Store $605/year
Brewer $1,250/year
Distiller $3,125/year
Wine Making $625/year
Oklahoma Winery $75/year
Rectifier $3,125/year
Wholesaler $3,500/year

The Planning & Zoning Division performs a variety of services intended to protect, maintain, and develop an attractive, safe, and healthy environment. Primary functions address property development and land use activities occurring in the City.
Zoning regulates land uses within the City. Each parcel in the City is assigned to a zone which describes the regulations under which that land may be used. The Land Development Code identifies allowable uses and sets standards such as minimum lot size, maximum building heights, and set-back requirements.
Zoning regulations are enforced through Code Enforcement and the Building Division and with aid from the Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment.
Planning Commission Meetings
Committee Members include:
Misty Rollans
Peggy Foster
Mamie Maree
Torie Ortiz-Jones
Stacy Kern
Zoning and Closure applications are available upon request.
Meetings are at 6:00pm on the last Monday of January, April, July, October.
at the City of Cache Council Chambers
404 West C Ave. Cache, OK 73527
Board of Adjustment Meetings
Variance applications are available upon request.
Meetings are at 5:00 pm and will Only meet if there is an application
at the City of Cache Council Chambers
404 West C Ave. Cache, OK 73527
Agendas and applications for Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment are available by contacting
the City Clerk at (580) 429-3354 ext. 4 or Code Enforcement at ext. 3